About us:
ACTION AGAINST VIOLENCE (AAV-Uganda) is a Non-Governmental Organization that was established to provide an independent and collective legal and ethical response to domestic violence in Uganda. AAV’s major guiding principle is strengthening the individual, community and institutional capacity to respond to domestic violence, promoting advocacy and restoration of harmonious relationships and families while encouraging active participation of family members in the development of appropriate approaches to tackle the causes of domestic violence.
AAV does advocate and lobby for Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) among community women for skills enhancement.
AAV Programs:
Develop youth programs and centers for youth activities to promote and encourage creativity in problem solving and income generating activities by providing rewards for best performances as an incentive towards hard work and creativity.
Image 2: Community field group facilitation on economic activities and legal awareness.
Organized training sessions for the local leaders on how to handle the victims of domestic violence and the perpetrators. Trained Local Council leaders to enact bye laws to regulate negative habits in society such as drug abuse, alcohol consumption, bride wealth, chastisement of women and children, including children’s contribution to domestic chores.
Carried out awareness campaigns to sensitize individuals and groups of individuals on their rights.
Promoted and carried out educational programs and functional adult literacy programs to eradicate illiteracy and ignorance levels that hinder the advance of justice/ rights awareness.
Provided legal aid and advocacy programs where cases need the intervention of the courts to attain justice.
Yet to be involved in guiding the litigation processes for cases that have to be taken to the court in order to attain justice.
Developed income generating activities to increase productivity and incomes such as tree planting, arts and crafts, good agricultural methods, local or small business activities for women to enhance/promote their income levels.
AAV has funding challenges. There is a need for funds to facilitate operational programs and routine travels.
To also ably motivate the skilled human resource for continuous efforts.
Most of AAV programs are not run on strict schedule with the unavailability of funds & funding gaps.
AAV work can and is sometimes executed alongside other roles that the financial impact is not greatly felt.
AAV is calling for more memberships through different sources like the internet to solicit for support and ideas, communication exchange in an effort to network and have discussion boards and forums.
AAV is working with partnerships for example to make amendments in the criminalization of the HIV bill.
AAV continues to develop concept notes and funding proposals in line with the organizational objectives.
Activities planned for next period:
Prepare and submit effective and quality funding proposals to address community problems basing on AAV objectives.
Implement network decisions suggested at meetings and forums.
Develop tools for activity field monitoring and supervision.
Conduct field monitoring and supervision.
Conduct workshops and disseminate best practices and lessons on roles of duty bearers e.g. Police, Community leaders.